Outside my window...It is dark...ugghh. Before Daylight savings time I loved getting up before dark. I always have a hard time adjusting the time changes, so now I am waking up later and it is still dark and it makes me tired
I am thinking...about all the things I need to do to pack up for our trip this weekend. It is only a short trip, in state, but it seems we always take the same amount of stuff whether we are just going into Orlando or all the way out to California. Actually I think I pack more when we travel close because I can put it all in the van versus when we fly I am limited to only what I can fit in a suitcase..hhmmm
I am thankful for...feeling good this week. Last week, I slipped and ate something with gluten...I really don't even know what, but by the end of the week, I felt so bad, mentally more than anything. It is like being in a fog and not being able to move. I don't realize how bad it is until I come out of that fog and start to feel better. So I am thankful for feeling alive again
From the learning rooms...we are back on track and the kids are doing good. I ordered new science books...Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day. After their excitement over the birds a couple of weeks ago, I thought this would keep their interest. I also received our resurrection eggs , so we will start those when we get back from our trip. I think I am going to pull out the lapbook that we did last year, maybe we will be better at it, this time around :)
From the kitchen...quick and simple is the plan this week
I am wearing...pj's and my robe
I am creating...a pink fuzzy scarf for Breanna, should finish today. Then I am starting a shaw for me...of course now it is warming up here but we will be able to use them when we go to California next month
I am going...hopefully no where today. My hubby comes back home this morning for a couple of days, but we have alot of work to do for upcoming trips. I have to make sure everything is ready for 4 conventions with 4 different chefs within the next week. Hopefully I have all the travel arrangements correct and I don't send someone to the wrong place!!!
I am bible
I am remain calm and patient with the kiddos today. They haven't adjusted to the time change well either, so they have been alittle grumpy the past few days.
I am crazy little puppy chewing on anything he can find. I am really going to miss him when we go out of town, even though he drives me bonkers!!! This is the first time we will be leaving him at the kennel and he just seems so small and helpless, but I should probably feel sorry for Miley and the other animals that will be there with him, because he is quite the "yapper" so I am sure it will not be a quite kennel while he is there
Around the house...still working on decluttering and organizing. The kiddos have gotten into and are being very helpful
One of my favorite things...the quite of the house before everyone wakes up. It helps me to get ready for the day
A few plans for the rest of the week: school, work and travel
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