Monday, April 13, 2009

Okay, So I am starting my blog with the Simple Women's Daybook. Hopefully I am following all the rules :)

FOR TODAY Monday April 13, 2009...

Outside my window...It is a beautiful warm and sunny day.

I am thinking...that I should be doing school work instead, but the kids are playing so quietly

I am thankful for...a wonderful weekend with Rick and the kids. We had such a great Easter.

From the learning rooms...back to school...I wasn't very structured last week, we did a lot of Easter activities so I did not follow the daily schedule like I should have. So I hope this week to be able to get all of the planned school work done each day and not leave work unfinished. I also want to continue to look at different curriculum's. I received a catalog from Sonlight on Saturday and really seemed to like what they have to offer. I just have to keep strong and not get discouraged with the curriculum we are using now. I feel like Breanna is not being challenged at all and that she would benefit with more reading. John gets overwhelmed with working from a textbook so I have to adjust each days work so he is not so overwhelmed and doesn't get upset.

From the kitchen...I have nothing planned yet. I hope to have a chance to sit down today and plan out my menu for the week. Tonight will probably be take out.

I am normal school attire....t-shirt and sweats :) I love this life

I am creating...not a thing at the moment..hhhmmm I better get to work

I am get started on the housework that never ends

I am reading...The 3rd book in the Twilight series

I am hoping...for a peaceful night

I am hearing...the kids screaming at our dog Miley (yes she was named after Hannah Montana)

Around the a mess as usual. I was doing good until the Easter weekend. Now there is candy, Easter grass and toys everywhere.

One of my favorite cream. I could eat a big bowl every night, but I really have to stick to some sort of diet.

A few plans for the rest of the week: starting packing for our trip next week to Disneyland. I always wait until the last minute and then get so stressed that I end up driving everyone around me crazy on the days before we leave. So my goal is to do alittle something each day. I am not to excited about the 5 1/2 plane trip, so I want to make sure that I have enough to keep everyone busy. I wonder how they would feel about do some school work on the plane....I can hear the screams now....

Here is picture thought I am sharing... okay the picture is at the top. still trying to figure out what I am doing here. But this was a picture from Saturday. Breanna and I were making an Easter bunny cake. I used an old cake pan that I inherited from my grandmother. It is one of those stand up cake pans. Well she made it look so easy...but it didn't quite turn out the way I had planned. The bunny's head fell off. Oh well, all that matters was that it tasted good and we had a good time baking.