Monday, April 13, 2009

Okay, So I am starting my blog with the Simple Women's Daybook. Hopefully I am following all the rules :)

FOR TODAY Monday April 13, 2009...

Outside my window...It is a beautiful warm and sunny day.

I am thinking...that I should be doing school work instead, but the kids are playing so quietly

I am thankful for...a wonderful weekend with Rick and the kids. We had such a great Easter.

From the learning rooms...back to school...I wasn't very structured last week, we did a lot of Easter activities so I did not follow the daily schedule like I should have. So I hope this week to be able to get all of the planned school work done each day and not leave work unfinished. I also want to continue to look at different curriculum's. I received a catalog from Sonlight on Saturday and really seemed to like what they have to offer. I just have to keep strong and not get discouraged with the curriculum we are using now. I feel like Breanna is not being challenged at all and that she would benefit with more reading. John gets overwhelmed with working from a textbook so I have to adjust each days work so he is not so overwhelmed and doesn't get upset.

From the kitchen...I have nothing planned yet. I hope to have a chance to sit down today and plan out my menu for the week. Tonight will probably be take out.

I am normal school attire....t-shirt and sweats :) I love this life

I am creating...not a thing at the moment..hhhmmm I better get to work

I am get started on the housework that never ends

I am reading...The 3rd book in the Twilight series

I am hoping...for a peaceful night

I am hearing...the kids screaming at our dog Miley (yes she was named after Hannah Montana)

Around the a mess as usual. I was doing good until the Easter weekend. Now there is candy, Easter grass and toys everywhere.

One of my favorite cream. I could eat a big bowl every night, but I really have to stick to some sort of diet.

A few plans for the rest of the week: starting packing for our trip next week to Disneyland. I always wait until the last minute and then get so stressed that I end up driving everyone around me crazy on the days before we leave. So my goal is to do alittle something each day. I am not to excited about the 5 1/2 plane trip, so I want to make sure that I have enough to keep everyone busy. I wonder how they would feel about do some school work on the plane....I can hear the screams now....

Here is picture thought I am sharing... okay the picture is at the top. still trying to figure out what I am doing here. But this was a picture from Saturday. Breanna and I were making an Easter bunny cake. I used an old cake pan that I inherited from my grandmother. It is one of those stand up cake pans. Well she made it look so easy...but it didn't quite turn out the way I had planned. The bunny's head fell off. Oh well, all that matters was that it tasted good and we had a good time baking.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo, you did it! The daybook is a great place to start, helps you get your feel for what you like to write about.
    Sounds like you are a typical homeschool mom already--always wondering if you should be doing something different, changing things up so they cooperate better, thinking of how much school work you could get done on a 5 1/2 hour plane trip,... :0)
    I just finished the fourth Twilight book--loved it! She is such a gifted storyteller. I heard she has another book, The Host, that is the first of a series. I'll have to see if the library has it.
    As far as getting your picture to the bottom--depending on your browser you may or may not be able to do it. I can do it in Internet Explorer but not Opera (my browser of choice). You click on the picture and drag it to where you want it to go.
    Welcome to the blogging world! BTW--I LOVE your backrground style. I wish I had found that first!
