Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window...cloudy but still a beautiful day

I am thinking...that I shouldn't be on the computer...but I just can't help myself

I am thankful for...a lazy kind of day

From the learning rooms...the kiddos are doing their school work quietly and without me standing over the shoulders. They are getting better at working independently

From the kitchen...nothing but a big old mess. Hoping to make a menu plan today and get to the grocery store..we have been eating out too much lately.

I am wearing...leggings and a big sweater

I am creating...right now all my "creating" is revolving around work and trying to get our books in order. I am also doing some food photography on Thursday, so I have to get all the props and set together.

I am going...hopefully to the grocery store and then tonight my son has basketball practice

I am reading...Raising Men by Hal & Melanie Young.

I am hoping...for more patience with my son...he has been testing it today

I am hearing...my son burping out loud...gross (and refer back to "I am hoping"...again...patience)

Around the house...I am in the process of decluttering and trying to clean out closets and find new homes for the things we no longer use

One of my favorite things...Cuban food!!! found a new Cuban restaurant and I just love it...so I want to try and start making some of the recipes at home

A few plans for the rest of the week: school, a play, my son's last basketball game and an awards ceremony Saturday night

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...(one day I will figure out how to get the picture where I want it and not just at the top)

If you would like to join the Simple Women's Day book please follow this link. http://thesimplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Just popping in to follow your blog! Hope you can come follow mine!

    Bridgette Groschen
    The Groschen Goblins
